What Is Domain Registration

Domain registration is the process of acquiring a domain name from a domain name registrar.

Nothing too complicated. It’s the process of finding a web address (like or, and then signing up to use it. It’s more like leasing a condo than buying a house. You technically don’t own the domain, but once you’ve registered it, you’re free to keep it as long as you continue paying the annual registration fee.

Get Your Domain Registered Now

It’s really easy to register a domain, having a good domain strategy helps you register the best domain name possible. Here are some hints:

  • Make it easy to remember. This is why many businesses get domains with their business names in them. Some people even choose their business name only after they have a domain they like.
  • Don’t register one that’s trademarked, copyrighted, or being used by another company. This can lead to losing the domain and legal problems.
  • Typically, there is a limit to a domain length, with the minimum being 1 character and the maximum being 63 characters. Ideally, you want your domain name to accurately reflect your brand, whether it’s personal or business-oriented.
  • Got a local business? Include your neighborhood, city or country in your domain so local customers can quickly see where you are. Check the list of geographic domain extensions — .berlin .nyc — to see if there’s one for your area.
  • Avoid numbers or hyphens. Anyone who hears your web address won’t know if you’re using a numeral 5 or “five”. If your business name has a number in it, register both versions — with the number and with the number spelled out (Dashes are just asking for trouble and generally look unprofessional).
  • Get more than one. As traffic to your website increases, you may attract then attention of copycats who’ll snatch up similar domain names in hopes of drawing traffic away from you. Register similar or misspelled domains early so this won’t be an issue later.
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